Regina Libris

The Official Website of Lia Fisher-Janosz, School Librarian

Who is Regina Libris?

I am Regina Libris.

In my everyday life, people call me

Lia Fisher-Janosz, Mrs. F.-J. (or just "FJ!"), or Mom.

I’m…a Bibliothecaria Rebellatrix (“librarian…because Book Wizard isn’t an official job title,” at Sharon Elementary School in Alleghany County, VA) wending a way through the seven ages whilst geeking out over Lord of the Rings, Shakespeare, Catholic artifacts and medieval marginalia and Italian Renaissance and Baroque art, the history of witches, the art of quilting, random French chateaus, & sundry other stuff.  I am rather like Hermione Granger and have “conjured” floating candles in our school library.  I’m an admirer of Éowyn and would place myself somewhere in the middle of the shieldmaiden-healer spectrum.  I am inimitable, I am an original, and yet I am totally #TeamHamilton (see what I did there?).  I’m a graduate of the Longwood University School Librarianship program, and an avid reader and lifelong learner (and, apparently, Mistress of the Obvious as well).  Any rumors regarding me having a crush on either Stephen Colbert or Chris Martin or Benedict Cumberbatch or Andrew Scott or Corey Mylchreest are completely…irrefutable.  That being acknowledged, I was and remain (in spirit) the loyal consort of an unsung prince of Poland (may he requiescat in pace),  and I am the very proud mother of a tornadic, talented, and talkative wunderkind girl and a happyhopper jollyjumper bouncyboy who has a memory like an elephant, and also a sage feline and a bossy but cute Corgi.

Oh, and I was named the 2022 Regional Winner of the School Librarian of the Year for VAASL's Roanoke Region.  To say I was tickled pink and honored would be quite the understatement.  I am currently the Director-Elect for the region, too.

One thing I am NOT:  a "laurel-rester."  There is always something more to do, to learn, and to make better.